Fotex Motor Oil
Fotex Motor Oil has been developed to meet the high lubrication demand of the modern gasoline petrol powered engines. Formulated with high quality virgin mineral base oil and high quality virgin mineral additives, fotex Motor Oil offers a wide range of grades that caters to the specific needs of all automotive gasoline engines.
These oils are specifically designed to offer optimum performance for engines that operate under various driving conditions including off-road scenarios. Multi grade are suitable for all climatic conditions. Fotex motor oil is available at heavy duty, Mono or multi grade SAE 30, SAE 40, SAE 50, SAE 60 and SAE 10W30, SAE 10W40, SAE 15W 40, SAE 15W50, SAE 20W40, SAE 20W50 etc. These oils come with wide range of American petroleum’s Institute APIs performance starting from SC to the latest SN. Most of the fotex motor oils are formulated with diesel engine capabilities and can be equally used for diesel powered engines of passenger cars as well as light to medium duty commercial vehicles.